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Compute daily evolutions of a stock portfolio with Google Sheets and Apps Script

Compute daily evolutions of a stock portfolio with Google Sheets and Apps Script

When it comes to investment, it is not only important to know the up-to-date state of portfolio but also to track its evolution day by day. We need to know on a specific day, how much money has been invested in the portfolio, the current market value of owned shares, the available cash and the current profit. Visualizing those historical data points on a time-based graph helps us to identify which transactions were good and which were bad. This post shows how to compute automatically those historical data points by using data in Transactions sheet and the built-in GOOGLEFINANCE function of Google Sheets. A sample spreadsheet can be found in this post Demo stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets . You can take a look at the sample spreadsheet to have an idea of how the data is organized and related. It is possible to make a copy of the spreadsheet to study it thoroughly.
Demo stock investment portfolio tracker with Google Data Studio

Demo stock investment portfolio tracker with Google Data Studio

As explained in the post Create personal stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets and Google Data Studio , a personal stock portfolio tracker consists of 2 main elements: a spreadsheet in Google Sheets and an interactive dashboard in Google Data Studio. The dashboard below is built with Google Data Studio and visualizes data stored in the spreadsheet that can be found in the post Demo stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets . The dashboard below is not an image, it is a real one and is interactive. You can change some filters to see data from a different perspective. For instance, you can change the date range or select a particular stock. NOTE: An enhanced version was published at Create personal stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets and Google Data Studio .
Demo stock investment portfolio tracker with Google Sheets

Demo stock investment portfolio tracker with Google Sheets

As explained in the post Create personal stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets and Google Data Studio , a personal stock portfolio tracker consists of 2 main elements: a spreadsheet in Google Sheets and an interactive dashboard in Google Data Studio. You can take a look at the sample spreadsheet below to have an idea of how the data is organized and related. It is possible to make a copy of the spreadsheet to study it thoroughly. NOTE: An enhanced version was published at Create personal stock portfolio tracker with Google Sheets and Google Data Studio .
Manage Stock Transactions With Google Sheets

Manage Stock Transactions With Google Sheets

The first task of building a stock portfolio tracker is to design a solution to register transactions. A transaction is an event when change happens to a stock portfolio, for instance, selling shares of a company, depositing money, or receiving dividends. Transactions are essential inputs to a stock portfolio tracker and it is important to keep track of transactions to make good decisions in investment. In this post, I will explain step by step how to keep track of stock transactions with Google Sheets.
Google Apps Script tips and tricks

Google Apps Script tips and tricks

When working with Google Apps Script, there are some tasks that I need to perform quite often. For that, I create a list of snippets that I can easily copy whenever needed. In this post, I share my useful snippets and my tips and tricks when working with apps script. If you have any snippet/tip/trick, you can share in the comment section.